Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

If you have any questions regarding our products and services, please review our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) below. If you still cannot find the answer to your question, please Contact Us
1 Is MaaZ Studio equivalent to other tools like Vector's DaVinci?

    MaaZ Studio is equivalent to Davinci Configurator (Code generation and configuration) for MCAL and BSW.

2 Usually, tools are made in Automotive or have a third party verify adap standards with ASPICE and ISO26262 categories. Do I hire a 4th party tool like TUV Nord to audit?

    The tool is based on AUTOSAR's Artop, so in terms of tool qualification (ISO26262), it's ok. If you want to get a certificate, you have to audit.

3 What is the license model of MaaZ BSW (Classic)?

    One-time license for the selected modules, plus. Integration fee as initial cost, plus. Annual maintenance and support for the following years (1 ~ 5 years, depending on customer needs).

4 What is the license model of MaaZ Studio?

    Time-based-license (via Dongle key or floating license), OEM license (white-label), Perpetual license.

5 MaaZ Studio doesn't have an RTE generator and System Tooling. How it impacts the development activities? Does that mean the developer needs to acquire the tools from other vendors?

    RTE should be provided as a separated module. FPT can provide integration services.

6 Support for Message CRC Mismatch function?

    E2E, and CRC modules support it, but in detail required to be confirmed.

7 Support for Security AES/RSA function?

    CryIF, CSM supports it as a framework, but its algorithm is to be obtained from 3rd party library.

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